Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Form vs. Function

What a conundrum. I remember being asked to compare form and function in my AP English class in high school.... I struggled with the concept then, trying to figure out why the comparison was important in the first place.

Then it hit me... my "eureka" moment... FORM is what makes FUNCTION enjoyable (or not!). It is what drives creativity, innovation, and opinion. For example, you have a chair. A place to park yourself and take a rest. The chair could be simple, wooden, and hard... or it could be the latest and greatest Lazy Boy ever (same function, but which sounds more comfortable to you?).

The same is true for the art of scrapbooking... most of us started with our interest in photography. We could have settled for storing our photos in albums, or we could put them in a book with memorabilia and some words about the pictures... the advent of the scrapbook!!! And then, as we know, the concept morphed into its own artform! Same function.... displaying photos... but better form. The evolution of this artform has been fun to watch. I, at least, continue to play with form... better photos, new ideas, more mixed media... it is FORM that drives ART.

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