Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Some backyard visitors....

My older dd had just asked me on Friday if she could buy a blue jay. I tried to explain to her that those are wild birds and could not buy one, but we could make a nice spot for them to hang out in our yard and, hopefully, they will come!

So, imagine her surprise when a FLOCK (and I do mean a flock!) of bluebirds arrived in our yard on Saturday! She decided she could settle for these!

We also had several yellow rumped warblers (thanks to a couple of OLP members for the ID!!!). One of these perched right on our chimney!

I used my longest lens to capture these, but it still wasn't long enough!!!


Tisha said...

I love those shots!!!
Girl I miss you! Give me a call when you get a chance :-)

Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous shots.. I love the comp. in the last one.. Beautifuli work!